Actual Reponses May Vary (and why)

I saw a trend today on the interwebs - "Name a book everyone should read and why".

The responses on one page I saw were all great books - and by "great" I mean literary classics or more recent political powerhouses.  The History of the World, The Fountainhead, Man's Search for Meaning, etc.

My instincts (and I'm sure many internet denizens) were tested: Does one answer with a cultured, thoughtful and refined selection, or just go with favorites, judgment be damned?  

What a hilarious inner monologue: 

Hmm, yes, while I find Rand's work to be of particular import during these troubled times, I'm more inclined to suggest something like Voltaire's Candide or To Kill a Mockingbird.  
Really?  Those are your suggestions?  Sure, they are fine, but they are no Chronicles of Narnia.  
Lewis was a talented author, yes, but the true depth of British culture is better evoked in Sense and Sensibility.  
Bah.  Too dull.  How about Napalm and Silly Putty?  It's hilarious.  
I really don't think you understand the task: a book others should read - that it holds wisdom and is a true window to the souls of man!  Not a book one would want to read!
Screw that.  I'm suggesting Harry Potter.  It rules. 


Official: I have started a new blog.  It relates to babies.  Well, not all babies, just one baby.  My baby - that is due to arrive in April of next year. The baby blog is private, so you'll need top secret clearance to read it, which I will grant or deny in my sole and currently-pregnantly unreasonable discretion. 

Sara and Matt's Baby Blog

Have (and Have Had)

Apparently I have a twitter account - for a few years!  sjbe  I completely forgot.  People I (apparently have been) follow(ing): Rainn Wilson, Bob Vila, I Can Has Cheezburger, and Levar Burton.  

What condition my condition was in . . .

Just dropped in - I'm bad at writing new stuff, so I just fed the fish and silently chastised myself for not having anything original to say.  As it happens, I'm thinking of starting a new blog with an actual theme.  Just kicking some ideas around the office.  We'll see, I guess.  My current distractions have been reading, working, hanging out with family, and helping a friend of mine edit her books (she's an author).  Very fancy-pants stuff.